Google static Map release 0.12

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Google static Map release 0.12
The 0.12 release is now available and can be downloaded from the sourceforge page. I will be making a special page for this bean here on degenio.com. In the meantime, let me know of any special features you would like to see in this bean. In version 0.13, I will be adding other languages and polylines. If I have time, I will get Rhino to work with the gmap form module and from there use Google map with directions. So, within the form module, you should be able to get directions from point A to point B. Special, special: Today, March Friday 13th (what a coincidence!) is the last day for the PJC competition. We have a heated race over there and it should be a very close call. If you did not vote, please go here and VOTE 🙂

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10 thoughts on “Google static Map release 0.12

  1. today i tested your map: “zoom actions” (+ and -) works well, but “move actions” works only one time. and how can i catch these actions (“move”, “zoom”) on WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT as you catch “finish action” (eventName=’FINISHED’)?

  2. @observer: I am really bad at software testing. There was a small bug in the panning functions. I updated the package on sourceforge.
    I have not used any dispatching for those actions. What is the rational behind catching those actions ? Thanks

  3. i am really bad at english speaking. 🙂
    it will be good in case: if i use your button to “refresh” map i want to remain same zoom-value as it will be at last time (actual zoom-value after apply your zooming).

  4. @observer: I just tested the version 0.12.1 available on sourceforge and it is working fine. Can you please confirm. The marker should be moving when you choose any directions.

  5. For those using javabeans and in case new versions don’t seem to work as expected, always clear the oracle jar cache.

  6. Hey Hafed how r u doing? i need abit of your help ..i am working in Oracle 9i forms and I am given a task to locate the Land Ownership from Google maps of an non mapped land ! I am done with the datbase of my application ..Someone told me I have to use ASP.NET for front end.. but i want to use Oracle Forms instead of learning the other tool for it..!! please help me out.. thank you!

  7. I try the example , by using the address I got IO error while using the coordination I got only please wait nothing show what could be my problem

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