Oracle forms migration from 6i to 10g- Introducing MouliForms

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Oracle forms migration from 6i to 10g- Introducing MouliForms
I am curently involved in a major migration project with around 1000 forms and 500 reports. Built using Designer 6i and maintained thru the years using forms builder 6i, it has been decided to migrate the whole application to oracle 10g. During the last month or so, I wrote a JAVA application that does the migration based on the JDAPI package. In the coming days, I will present some of the stuff that I went thru and how I managed to build MOULIFORMS. Here are the current features: -Migration of forms from 6i to 10g. Close to 90% automated migration. -All the new features implemented with WEBUTIL are either flagged or switched at the code level. -Search and replace capability: I used the JAVA Regex package. -Batch mode: compile, replace, migration. -Report calls modified at the code level (RUN_PRODUCT to RUN_REPORT_OBJECT). -Forms compare: before and after in a tree like fashion. Useful to see what has changed. -Full Reports for outputs: HTML, CSV, PDF, Excel summary reports. -Use of Log4j for various developer level reports (debugging-info etc.) -Full JAVA Swing interface with switchable French-English interface. There are still some bugs mainly related to the interface but Mouliforms does the job and I am really impressed by the JDAPI package. I don't know whether I should release Mouliforms as open-source. I already spent close to 150 hours designing it. Next step: I will post some screenshots of mouliforms in action.

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12 thoughts on “Oracle forms migration from 6i to 10g- Introducing MouliForms

  1. Dear Hafed,
    If you’re planning to release Mouliforms project to the Open Source community, I would be interested in collaborating in it.

    Is it possible to obtain draft version of your project?

  2. @michal: I would really like to release it as open source. However, there are several issues I have not solved yet. These are not technical issues but commercial issues. I will update as soon as I reach a decision.

  3. @Dwight: MouliForms was developed for a specific migration project. Pitss is advertised as a full migration software that can take all aspects of a Forms 6i/previous version and then migrate to 10g.
    MouliForms does the migration but unfortunately, I had to tweak it based on the on-going requirements changes I was being given.

  4. Hi hafed, I am smail, we spoke in cca, for the software of migration oracle forms, you send it to me in my email.
    Thank you.

  5. hello Mr Hafed,
    I am very interrested to use this moili forms, i am working on migration of some forms6i to 10g since three months, and i am surprised to know that there is an authomatic solution.

    please can you help me by sending me this moulinette to my email.

  6. hello Mr Hafed,
    your work is great .
    please can you help me for this work by any information.


  7. Hello Mr hafed
    I’m interrested by what you have do to upgrade your applications from forms 6i to 10g and i’m in front of one similar project, please if you have no objection help me to do that.
    thank you
    Hichem Naoouar

  8. Hi, I’m not sure if its fair but wondering if its possible to share the source code/ executable with me? We are looking to upgrade one of our application consisting of 1000 forms. We would really appreciate your help.


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