I have put together some technical notes related to Oracle Forms 10g, 9i.
While they are in French, they can still be useful and understood since they contain screenshots.
These notes deal with alerts, object libraries, program unit, List items and some other basic stuff that students keep asking.
I will update as soon as I get the other remaining notes together.
How to eliminate the NULL value when displaying a Poplist
How to resolve the button that selected when the user closes a dialog
How to remove the blank lines when designing Lists in Form
How many alerts should we define in a Forms project ?
How to detect the page that was selected when switching pages in a tabbed canevas ?
How to set the PATH variable in order to avoid using the full path in your Modules ?
How to create and use a program unit in a Forms module ?
How to create and use an object library in a Forms application ?
The links are not working
I fixed the links and you should be able to download the technical notes. Thanks